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Guide Level


1.Personal Growth

1.  Be in Grade 10 or its equivalent.

2a.  Develop your daily devotional life by studying the Senior Weekly Devotional Guide (weeks 27 -52) and the book of Revelation utilizing printed or electronic resources.

2b.  Journal your thoughts by asking questions such as:

  • "What did I learn about God?"

  • "What did I learn about myself?"

  • How can I apply this to my life today?"

  • What in this text is meaningful to me?

  • What is the theme in the verses I read?

You may journal through writing, drawing, or electronic process.

3.  Memorize the AY Motto

4.  Illustrate the meaning of the AY Motto in an interesting way.

2.Spiritual Discovery

1.  Write and share your personal testimony.

2.  Memorize one key text for each of the following Bible teachings:

3.  Learn the principles of leading a person to Jesus.

4. Tell a story of a church pioneer to a group.


1.  Complete the Guide requirements.

2.  Complete one of the following honors:

3.  Study and discuss two of the following life issues (not previously studied) with your Guide group and an adult:  Teen Pregnancy, Abortion, AIDS, Homosexuality, Pornography.​

3.Serving Others

1.  Fulfill one of the following honor requirements:

2.  Fulfill one of the following honor requirements:


1.  Complete Guide requirements.

2.  Complete one of the following honors not previously earned:

4.Making Friends

1.Through discussion and personal research examine your attitudes on two of the following topics:  

  • Attitudes toward moral issues in sex and dating

  • Self-concept as it affects choices of a husband/wife.

  • How peer pressure affects relationships with parents, family, other relatives and friends.

2.  Fulfill requirements #5 and #6​ of the Language Study Honor​


1.  Complete the Guide requirements.

2.  Complete the Language Study Honor if not previously earned.

5.Health & Fitness

1.  Under the guidance of an adult staff member, choose one of the following:

  • Teach the Red Alert Honor.

  • Teach requirement #1 of Health & Fitness for Friend.

  • Teach requirement #1 of Health & Fitness for Companion. 

2.  Complete a Health & Science honor not previously earned.

3.  Complete the Basic Water Safety OR Beginner Swimming Honor, if not previously earned.



1.  Complete the Guide requirements.

2.  Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as:

  • President's Challenge Active

  • Live Healthy Bermuda Kids

  • Or similar program

6.Nature Study

1.  Read the story of Jesus' childhood in The Desire of Ages, ch. 7, and relate it to the place of nature study in His education and ministry by giving orally before an audience an original nature lesson (parable) drawn from your observations.  

2.  Spiders/ Rocks and Minerals

Complete a spider web study project.  OR Collect and identify 15 different kinds of rocks and minerals.   


1.  Complete the Guide requirements.

2.  Ecology/Fungi List 10 ways in which you might actively work to improve the environment in which you live.  Put four into practice.  OR Photograph or draw 15 different fungi and correctly identify them.  

3.  Complete a nature honor, not previously earned.  (Skill level 2 or 3).

7.Outdoor Living

1.  Under the guidance of an adult staff member, teach the Knot Tying Honor.


1.  Complete the Guide requirements.

2.  Complete one of the following honors not previously earned:

8.  Honor Enrichment

1.  Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of Arts & Crafts or Household Arts. (Skill level 2 or 3)

2.  Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of Recreation, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries.  (Skill level 2 or 3)

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