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Let's Give 1000+ Units of Blood

"Power In The Blood" Blood Drive

As Christians, we accept by faith, our salvation is found in Jesus Christ.  His sacrificial life, death, and resurrection give us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.  His blood gave us life.  Our blood can give life as well.  If we are able to do so let us donate blood and experience the joy of giving.

Attention Health Ministries, Adventurer, Pathfinder, and Master Guide leaders.  Let's get our church, staff, and community to donate blood.  Together we can give 1000 or more units of blood and help save lives.  As an incentive, we are giving away 1000 patches to the first 1000 to complete the following requirements.

Patch Giveaway Information

To claim your patch you must:

  1. Be a member of an Adventurer, Pathfinder, or Master Guide club. 

  2. Donate* whole blood, power red, platelet, plasma, or convalescent plasma at a blood bank or mobile site before December 31, 2021. 

  3. Take a picture of yourself donating blood and post it on social media with "#ExperienceTheJoyOfGiving".

  4. Submit proof of your blood donation to your club director or health ministries coordinator and have them contact us at  

  5. The first 1000 to complete requirements will receive their patch.  Patches will be sent to your pastor, health ministries leader, or club director. 

  6. Limit one patch per donor.

*Minors or those of age to donate but unable to do so due to extenuating circumstances may still be eligible to claim a patch as long as they find a substitute donor and complete the other requirements.  

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© 2023 by the Texas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists

The purpose of this website is to provide general gift, estate, and financial planning information. It is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice.  For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained.

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